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How To Move On After a Breakup With belong

A breakup is an undeniable challenge. But it’s also the perfect time for a new chapter. With belong, we understand healing shouldn’t be about sugar coating. We’ll explore helpful strategies for embracing a new fresh start. So, how do you move on…

Recipe For Rediscovery

After a breakup, it’s essential to rediscover how to be on your own. At belong, our community is great at recommending things to do and see in your local area, helping you find new passions and rediscover your strengths. The journey after a break-up should always be about personal growth and a new wave of resilience you didn’t know you had. In the rediscovery process, you should find new hobbies and interests but also have time to stop, reflect and heal, allowing room for meditation, or something calming. Our wellness group is a great community that opens up the conversation about wellbeing. 

Create Genuine Connections

Expanding your social circle shouldn’t be about filling a void; it should be about forming genuine connections. belong’s events are carefully curated to produce authentic interactions. By engaging with like-minded individuals, you’ll not only have fun but also build meaningful relationships, and these connections could become a source of emotional support, encouragement, and shared experiences.

Find a New Community

belong provides more than just a support group; it offers a nurturing community where your uniqueness is celebrated. Connecting with others who share your interest or have experienced similar situations adds immense value. Through shared experiences, you’ll find solace, strength, and inspiration, knowing you’re not alone on this journey. belong’s community becomes a safe space where you can openly express yourself, seek advice, and offer support for others as well, creating an honest, trustful and healing environment.

Pictures Speak Louder Than Words

In the midst of heartbreak, finding happiness in the little things can help massively. With belong, we encourage you to capture those moments, not just for the world, but for yourself. Whether it’s a goofy selfie, a chocolatey dessert or your pet being silly, take a picture and share it with your newfound friends. These snapshots serve as a reminder that happiness isn’t hard to find. Sharing these pictures not only spreads positivity but also inspires others on their healing journey. 

Time To Bounce Back

Yes, breakups are tough, but with the support, encouragement and opportunities for growth that belong provides, you can easily bounce back ten times harder. If you’re ready to take the first step on this journey towards healing and self-discovery, sign up to belong now as your fresh start is around the corner.