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Celebrating Thanksgiving Away from Home with belong in New York City

This Thanksgiving, even if you’re away from home, there are many ways to feel connected and share the holiday spirit.

Virtual Thanksgiving Dinner and Care Packages

Kick off your holiday by setting up a virtual dinner with your family. A video call during mealtime can make you feel like you’re right there with them. Complement this experience by sending a care package filled with New York delights like cheesecake or local artisan treats, offering a taste of the city. Find the best tastes in the city in the belong foodies group.

Connecting Through Shared Traditions

As you bridge the gap with your family through virtual dinners and care packages, remember that shared traditions play a crucial role. Maybe it’s watching the Thanksgiving parade virtually together or sharing family recipes over a video call. These shared moments create a sense of continuity and belonging, vital when you’re far from home.

Embrace the New York Thanksgiving Vibe with belong

Now, let’s bring your Thanksgiving to the belong community. Share the unique New York City atmosphere – the festive streets, the autumnal beauty of Central Park, and your city-based Thanksgiving experiences. This is where you can inspire and connect with others who are also celebrating away from home. Your stories and photos on belong can foster a sense of shared experience, making everyone feel a part of the city’s vibrant Thanksgiving celebration.

Thanksgiving in New York City is a blend of personal connections and community engagement. Whether it’s through a virtual dinner with your family or sharing your city adventures on belong, you’re part of a larger community that celebrates together. This Thanksgiving, let’s cherish these connections and the unique spirit of New York City.