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Where do you get your news? How belong can keep you up-to-date

Thanks to the abundance of screens in our lives, information is available 24/7, wherever you are. Convenient, yes, but what does it mean for how we get our news? According to a survey by Ofcom, 50% of adults say social media is their primary source. Here’s why ASKWHO should be part of your daily newsfeed…

It’s Personal

You don’t have to waste time wading through reels of irrelevant updates anymore. Joining special interest groups and following their tags means your news is always (and only) what’s important to you.  

Whether it’s… 

  • Art
  • Gaming
  • Travel
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Fashion
  • Property

…or something else entirely. Whatever you want to know about, we’ve got it covered. 

It’s Authentic

No ulterior motives here, just our inclusive community sharing their insights on the latest with like-minded others. Our users post the things that matter to them, not just what matters to reporters. You don’t need to head to multiple different places to cover all your interests either, so it saves you a job too. 

Sunset Beach surfers can head out safely as soon as the weather allows – member Jacques lets them know when conditions are prime. 

It’s Current

Forget waiting a month for your round-up; with ASKWHO you can catch up with what’s happening in your groups on a daily basis. Leo went from sharing their involvement in an automotive project to inviting the Knowledge group to test out their newly-acquired robotic arm this week. 

It’s Social

Having a personalized news source to keep you in the know is great. Having friendly faces to share it with, is even better. We can all learn from each other, and joining an ASKWHO group means you get a supportive space to voice your thoughts on whatever’s going on in the world.  

Our Meet Up group is always being updated with events around Dubai, from Ladies’ Nights to pool parties to buffet breakfasts. And when you find a cool new event, you’ve already got people on hand to go with.   

It’s by you, for you

Once you become part of the ASKWHO community, you become a source too – you can share news from your end that you think the other members will enjoy. 

Stay connected to what matters to you, without all the overwhelming extra information. Download ASKWHO and join us today.

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